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Pear and Giarratana onion’s spaghetti

Recipe for 2 people



  • ¾  of a pear
  • Half of a Giarratana onion
  • 2 or 3 dried tomatoes
  • A handful of almonds
  • 4 leaves of basil
  • 30 gr of Sicilian Perino cheese dop/spicy auricchio
  • Extra virgin oil
  • Salt (enough)



Fill a pan with enough water in order to cook spaghetti (about 150 gr. of pasta).

Light the fire and wait until the water boils; peel the onion and the pear, and preserve the peel.

When the water boils, add the salt and then put spaghetti into the pan.

Then dip in the same pan Giarratana onion.

After a couple of minutes the onion will be cooked.

In order to prove it, shove the onion with a fork, if the pulp of the onion is soft, the onion is cooked.

So bail out the onion and put it into the glass of a blender.

In the same glass add 3/4 of pear ( in a raw way).

Almonds together with dried tomatoes and the leaves of basil.

Add olso a piece of spicy cheese and add the oil.

Blend them together until you will obtain a cream that will be used as a concrescence for the spaghetti.

Taste the spaghetti in order to see if there is enough salt.

If pasta is cooked drain it and eliminate the water.

Put the spaghetti in the pan and add the sauce.

After a couple of shuffles you will be ready to put the spaghetti in dishes.

credits: Marialuisa | Primi veloci

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